Welcome to the Homepage of Georg Sebastian Sommeregger PhD (law, European University Institute, Florence), B.A. (history), master (legal theory), E.MA (human rights and democratisation, Venice)
e-mail Georg short cv Pay us a visit in beautiful Basel, Switzerland! on the web: backstube.blogspot.com, typewriters.ch, sommeregger.blogspot.comand emalumni.blogspot.com for the Alumni of the European Masters in Human Rights and Democratisation(E.MA). Sommeregger Genealogie: Metastammbaum etc. - hier klicken.
being made a doctor iuris - with Profs. Joerges, Millard, Troper, Sadurski (missing in picture)
archive EUI - archiv2 - archiv3
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thesis on the horizontal dimension of fundamental and human rights: - abstract
last update 17.8.2011
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